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Demand Report for Weed Killers (Total Rs. 40,664) per day (as of 11 Jul 2023)

Average Daily Sales for Respective Months (Overall Category)

Brand Wise Demand & Market Share Report

Last 12 Month Average Daily Sales Report (Top 20 Brands)

Last 30 Day Average Daily Sales Report (Top 20 Brands)
# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio
e.g. Erwon® Weeds Remover, Organic Essential Powerful L...
e.g. Hi-Pendi Xtra 700 ML (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS) HERB...
e.g. Adama Narkis (Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC) 100 ml...
e.g. Nominee Gold P.I.- Bispyribac-Sodium 10% SC (1 Lit...
e.g. Dupont Almix 16 GMS (2 Packs of 8 GMS) Weed Contro...
6Dhanuka agritech limited
e.g. Dhanuka Agritech Limited DHANUKA RITECH Weedmar 2,...
e.g. Hitweed Cotton herbicide for Broadleaf Weeds (250m...
8Vm industries
e.g. Rash Clutch for Zenoah Brush Cutter...
9Saibalaji enterprises
e.g. Saibalaji Enterprises Weed Killer 1000 ml...
e.g. All Clear 1 Lt. (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Non S...
e.g. KRUM Modicare Active-80, All Purpose Non-ionic Spr...
e.g. Katyayani Oxyfen Oxyflurofen 23.5 % EC selective h...
e.g. Hpm All-Clear (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Non Sel...
e.g. Bayer Advanced 704640 Brush Killer Plus Concentrat...
15Select source
e.g. Select Source Quinclorac 75 Herbicide - 1 Pound (D...
e.g. Bonide Chemical Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Kille...
e.g. Scotts Turf Builder Halts Crabgrass Preventer with...
e.g. BioAdvanced704130 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgra...
e.g. Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate...
e.g. 5,000sq-ft : Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed ...
e.g. Ortho Max Nutsedge Killer Rtu, 24 fl.oz...
22Southern ag
e.g. Southern Ag 2,4-D Amine Weed Killer Selective Broa...
e.g. Syngenta Ampect Xtra Fungicide 200ml (Pack of 1)...
24Bayer advanced
e.g. Bayer Advanced 704160 Weed Killer for Lawns Concen...
25Bharath agencies
e.g. Bharath Agencies - Weed Killer - 1000 ml...

# Price Range Number Of Products Total Units Sold Per Day Total Sales Amount Per Day (Rs.) Current Market Share
1Rs. 100 - Rs. 1997203,6278.92 %
2Rs. 200 - Rs. 29955916,13539.68 %
3Rs. 300 - Rs. 399262,2625.56 %
4Rs. 400 - Rs. 49972411,60128.53 %
5Rs. 500 - Rs. 599315501.35 %
6Rs. 600 - Rs. 699216991.72 %
7Rs. 700 - Rs. 7993000 %
8Rs. 800 - Rs. 8992000 %
9Rs. 900 - Rs. 9992000 %
10Rs. 1000 - Rs. 10991000 %
11Rs. 1100 - Rs. 1199211,1902.93 %
12Rs. 1400 - Rs. 14991000 %
13Rs. 3200 - Rs. 32991000 %
14Rs. 3700 - Rs. 37991000 %
15Rs. 4200 - Rs. 42991000 %
16Rs. 4300 - Rs. 43991000 %
17Rs. 4500 - Rs. 45991000 %
18Rs. 4600 - Rs. 4699114,60011.31 %
19Rs. 5100 - Rs. 51991000 %
20Rs. 6200 - Rs. 62991000 %
21Rs. 7800 - Rs. 78991000 %
22Rs. 8100 - Rs. 81991000 %
23Rs. 10000 - Rs. 100991000 %
24Rs. 11600 - Rs. 116991000 %
25Rs. 11800 - Rs. 118991000 %

Emerging Brands
Brands that did not have sales 6 months ago but have started selling now

# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio
e.g. Hitweed Cotton herbicide for Broadleaf Weeds (250m...
2Bayer advanced
e.g. Bayer Advanced 704160 Weed Killer for Lawns Concen...

High Performing Brands
Brands whose revenues have increased more than 2 times since JUL'22

# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio
e.g. Erwon® Weeds Remover, Organic Essential Powerful L...

Asin Wise Demand Report

# Asin Title Top Keywords Price Parent Category Name Child Category Name Child Category Rank Per Day Unit Sales Current Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) Status
1B0893VFXZZAll Clear 500 ML (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Non Selective Herbicideglyphosate 41 herbicide tree killer
roundup herbicide 1 litre
279Outdoor LivingWeed Killers1226,1381,3951,395279279SUCCESS
2B09GYBGZMNErwon® Herbicide, Organic Powerful Liquid Herbicide for Removing Wild Herbs (500 ml)weed killer chemical
grass killer chemical
299Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2205,9801,7942991,196299SUCCESS
3B07K23YMHDDupont Almix 16 GMS (2 Packs of 8 GMS) Weed Control-Best for LAWNS(HERBISIDE)240Outdoor LivingWeed Killers3143,3604807201,6802,400SUCCESS
4B0B9L2PB52Adama Narkis (Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC) 100 ml498Outdoor LivingWeed Killers4104,9800498498498SUCCESS
5B09GYC3VP5Erwon® Herbicide, Organic Powerful Liquid Herbicide for Removing Wild Herbs (1000 ml)roundup herbicide 1 litre
499Outdoor LivingWeed Killers483,9924994991,996499SUCCESS
6B09GYB9T4LErwon® Herbicide, Organic Powerful Liquid Herbicide for Removing Wild Herbs (100 ml)179Outdoor LivingWeed Killers681,432179000SUCCESS
7B09H2QCTCPErwon® Weeds Remover, Organic Essential Powerful Liquid Weeds Remover for Removing all types of Wild Weeds (250 ml)195Outdoor LivingWeed Killers761,170000195SUCCESS
8B01M16PKJ4Generic LED Electric Mosquito Killer Lamp Trap EU Plug, Socket Light IDM175Outdoor LivingWeed Killers85875175000SUCCESS
9B07W57RJ3BRash Brush Cutter Clutch Honda GX35355Outdoor LivingWeed Killers1131,065355355710355SUCCESS
10B07PDMH86WDhanuka Agritech Limited Ozone Paraquat Dichloride Weed Killer/Herbicide for Lawns Garden and Crops, 1000 ml410Outdoor LivingWeed Killers931,2301,2308201,640410SUCCESS
11B07NDGHVHNDhanuka Agritech Limited DHANUKA AGRITECH Weedmar 2, 4-D Dimethyl Amine Salt 58% Sl (1000 ML) for lawns Garden and Crops Weed Killer399Outdoor LivingWeed Killers1031,1973997981,5961,596SUCCESS
12B07NDWTBJPDhanuka Agritech Limited weedmar 2.4-D Sodium Technical 80% 500GM219Outdoor LivingWeed Killers122438438219438438SUCCESS
13B092RJ1BM3Katyayani Oxyfen Oxyflurofen 23.5 % EC selective herbicide modern quick action pre & post emergence Herbicide best for controlling broad leafy weeds in onion tea potato groundnut direct seeded rice Mi460Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2014600000SUCCESS
14B01N0A6D05KRUM Modicare Active-80, All Purpose Non-ionic Spray Adjuvant Concentrate (500ml)489Outdoor LivingWeed Killers151489489978978978SUCCESS
15B09BQH23V7Saibalaji Enterprises - Weed Killer 500 ML699Outdoor LivingWeed Killers13169900699699SUCCESS
16B088GX56THBayer Foost (Herbicide), 250g150Outdoor LivingWeed Killers191150150150150300SUCCESS
17B088C2WGYKAll Clear 1 Lt. (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Non Selective Herbicide550Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2115505505505501,650SUCCESS
18B0C3448RVDHpm All-Clear (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Non Selective Herbicide - 500ml450Outdoor LivingWeed Killers171450450450450450SUCCESS
19B0B2TD99DRHitweed Cotton herbicide for Broadleaf Weeds (250ml Pack)1190Outdoor LivingWeed Killers1511,1901,190001,190SUCCESS
20B07N7LBDV5Dhanuka Agritech Limited DHANUKA RITECH Weedmar 2, 4-D Dimethyl Amine Salt 58% Sl (500 ML) for Lawn, Garden and Agriculture Crops Weed Killer219Outdoor LivingWeed Killers171219438438657657SUCCESS
21B08DMXXC51Nominee Gold P.I.- Bispyribac-Sodium 10% SC (1 Litre)4600Outdoor LivingWeed Killers1414,6000000SUCCESS
22B000GD3KQMBonide 1- Quart Chickweed Clover and Oxalis Weed Killer - 06124362Outdoor LivingWeed Killers40000000SUCCESS
23B094DH6NJFRash Drive Shaft / Inner Rod / Exil for Honda GX35 Brush Cutter / Weed Cutter / Reaper850Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2200850850850850SUCCESS
24B01M1548LDLED Solar Power Ultrasonic Gopher Mole Snake Mouse Rodent Pest Repeller Control1449Outdoor LivingWeed Killers41001,4491,4491,4491,449SUCCESS
25B08V57QF4MRash Drive Shaft/Inner Rod/Exil for KisanKraft Brush Cutter/Weed Cutter/Reaper700Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2800070000SUCCESS
26B0051DRSFQBonide Chemical Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Killer3724Outdoor LivingWeed Killers50003,7243,7243,7243,724SUCCESS
27B009ATACVOWeed Beater Ultra Concentrate7894Outdoor LivingWeed Killers450007,8947,8947,894SUCCESS
28B09B2GH5NYRash Drive Shaft / Inner Rod / Exil for Oleo-mac Brush Cutter / Weed Cutter / Reaper950Outdoor LivingWeed Killers32000000SUCCESS
29B085XGGPWDHakama Herbicide 100 ML (Quizalofop-Ethyl 5% E.C.) Selective Herbicide189Outdoor LivingWeed Killers31000000SUCCESS
30B08TN4Z251Rash 28Mm Gearhead Gearbox for Brush Cutter/Weed Cutter/Reaper Spare Parts545Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2400545000SUCCESS
31B0049PNEO6Ortho Max Nutsedge Killer Rtu, 24 fl.oz4204.75Outdoor LivingWeed Killers42000000SUCCESS
32B09BQL5DYQSaibalaji Enterprises Weed Killer 1000 ml1100Outdoor LivingWeed Killers36001,1001,1001,1001,100SUCCESS
33B07W3N2HPNRash Brush Cutter Blade Cup150Outdoor LivingWeed Killers290000150150SUCCESS
34B0072289CASouthern Ag 2,4-D Amine Weed Killer Selective Broadleaf Weed Control, 32oz - 1 Quart6236Outdoor LivingWeed Killers30000000SUCCESS
35B07W42MP25Rash Brush Cutter Circular Blade/Round Blade798Outdoor LivingWeed Killers480000798798SUCCESS
36B07JJPFPWFBharath Agencies - Weed Killer - 500 ml595Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2600000595SUCCESS
37B09RK2Q85FSyngenta Ampect Xtra Fungicide 1L (Pack of 1)3249Outdoor LivingWeed Killers3800003,2493,249SUCCESS
38B015X6FP82Select Source Quinclorac 75 Herbicide - 1 Pound (Drive 75, Quinstar) by11602Outdoor LivingWeed Killers350011,60211,60211,60211,602SUCCESS
39B09B3FQV1NParaquat Dichloride 24% SL Harbicide750Outdoor LivingWeed Killers470000750750SUCCESS
40B07W43CTP5Rash Brush Cutter Hook Holder158Outdoor LivingWeed Killers270001581580SUCCESS
41B001DKBDHKBayer Advanced 704640 Brush Killer Plus Concentrate, 32-Ounce5137Outdoor LivingWeed Killers49000000SUCCESS
42B004VS07RIBioAdvanced704130 All-in-One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer Ready-To-Use, 1-Gallon10087.18Outdoor LivingSupplies & Accessories692000000SUCCESS
43B09RK3QQSCSyngenta Ampect Xtra Fungicide 200ml (Pack of 1)900Outdoor LivingWeed Killers44000900900900SUCCESS
44B000I1M5NGScotts Turf Builder Halts Crabgrass Preventer with Lawn Food, 5,000-Sq Ft11849Outdoor LivingWeed Killers430011,84911,84911,84911,849SUCCESS
45B089GVLTW3HIFIT 1 LTR (PRETILACHLOR 50% EC) -HPM HERBICIDE665Outdoor LivingWeed Killers33000000SUCCESS
46B00DU7Z62W5,000sq-ft : Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer, 5,000-sq ft8146.15Outdoor LivingWeed Killers46000000SUCCESS
47B004Q07VM0Bayer Advanced 704160 Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate, 32-Ounce4500Outdoor LivingWeed Killers25004,500004,500SUCCESS
48B07W57R7F8Rash Clutch for Zenoah Brush Cutter1000Outdoor LivingWeed Killers39000000SUCCESS
49B07JJCV57HBharath Agencies - Weed Killer - 1000 ml899Outdoor LivingWeed Killers2300899899899899SUCCESS
50B0893W9BMZHi-Pendi Xtra 700 ML (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS) HERBICIDE499Outdoor LivingWeed Killers3700004990SUCCESS

Excluded/Failed Asins

# Asin Title Top Keywords Price Parent Category Name Child Category Name Child Category Rank Per Day Unit Sales Current Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) Status