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Demand Report for Binding Machine Coils & Springs (Total Rs. 60,446) per day (as of 15 Jul 2023)

Average Daily Sales for Respective Months (Overall Category)

Brand Wise Demand & Market Share Report

Last 12 Month Average Daily Sales Report (Top 20 Brands)

Last 30 Day Average Daily Sales Report (Top 20 Brands)
# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio
e.g. CLASSIK Spiral Binding Ring for Book Binding, Size...
e.g. TCLPVC Discount combos Spiral Binding Machine Comb...
e.g. GBC Wire Binding Spines 8.0mm with 70 Sheet Capaci...
e.g. Dotpot Spiral Binding White Ring"8"10"12"15"20"MM ...
e.g. Kavyatech Spiral Binding White Ring 8mm,10mm,12 mm...
e.g. Spiral Binding Ring/ 12mm/ White Colour/for 20 to ...

# Price Range Number Of Products Total Units Sold Per Day Total Sales Amount Per Day (Rs.) Current Market Share
1Rs. 200 - Rs. 299112490.41 %
2Rs. 300 - Rs. 399227501.24 %
3Rs. 400 - Rs. 499275725,71342.54 %
4Rs. 500 - Rs. 599231,6372.71 %
5Rs. 600 - Rs. 699121,2782.11 %
6Rs. 700 - Rs. 799343,1265.17 %
7Rs. 900 - Rs. 999119991.65 %
8Rs. 1000 - Rs. 1099122,1783.6 %
9Rs. 1200 - Rs. 1299456,25510.35 %
10Rs. 1300 - Rs. 1399111,3992.31 %
11Rs. 1400 - Rs. 1499111,4492.4 %
12Rs. 1600 - Rs. 1699123,2985.46 %
13Rs. 1900 - Rs. 19991000 %
14Rs. 2000 - Rs. 2099112,0183.34 %
15Rs. 2200 - Rs. 2299124,5987.61 %
16Rs. 2500 - Rs. 25991000 %
17Rs. 5400 - Rs. 5499115,4999.1 %

Emerging Brands
Brands that did not have sales 6 months ago but have started selling now

# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio
e.g. GBC Wire Binding Spines 8.0mm with 70 Sheet Capaci...

High Performing Brands
Brands whose revenues have increased more than 2 times since JUL'22

# Brand JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Daily Sales (Rs.) Current Market Share Per Day Unit Sales Q4/Q1 Revenue Ratio

Asin Wise Demand Report

# Asin Title Top Keywords Price Parent Category Name Child Category Name Child Category Rank Per Day Unit Sales Current Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) Status
1B07Q2YV5DZClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (40mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics54141,796449449898449SUCCESS
2B07Q2ZS7HZClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (38mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
3B07Q2XY45BClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (42mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
4B07Q2XST7KClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (15mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
5B07Q2Y7CGMClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (18mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
6B07Q31P3DCClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (52mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
7B07Q31YYFKClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (28mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
8B07NSDX3D7Classik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (30mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
9B07Q2ZQFD3Classik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (8mm)479Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,437479479479479SUCCESS
10B07Q2Z8XSDClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (10mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
11B07Q2XZLGLClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (25mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
12B07NSF7LPDClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (45mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,34700449449SUCCESS
13B07Q2ZWFDBClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (12mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,3470449449449SUCCESS
14B07NSDWHDDClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (32mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,3478981,347898449SUCCESS
15B07Q2ZPY88Classik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) White (1 Packet) (20mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics71131,347898898898449SUCCESS
16B07Q2XNZL5Classik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-12.7mm)1219Office ProductsOffice Electronics174922,4381,2192,4381,2191,219SUCCESS
17B07Q2WM3K8Classik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-14.3mm)1649Office ProductsOffice Electronics174923,2981,64901,6491,649SUCCESS
18B07Q2X7PQSClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-9.5mm)789Office ProductsOffice Electronics174921,5787891,578789789SUCCESS
19B07Q2W97XTClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-7.9mm)639Office ProductsOffice Electronics174921,2786391,278639639SUCCESS
20B076P9GV5TTCLPVC Triple profit pack Spiral Binding Machine Combo Coils Springs Binders Using Lose Spiral 5 kg 5 sizes pack + 200 cover pvc binding sheets ( blue white )Pro Pack Saving Deal for Binding Machines 2299Office ProductsOffice Electronics197324,5982,2992,2992,2992,299SUCCESS
21B07Q2WTRSYClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-6.4mm)519Office ProductsOffice Electronics174921,0385191,038519519SUCCESS
22B07Q2XNLJWClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-11.1mm)1089Office ProductsOffice Electronics174922,1781,0892,1781,0891,089SUCCESS
23B076P7WXKHTCLPVC Deal of bulk Spiral Binding Machine Combo Coils Springs Binders Using Lose Spiral 2 kg 2 sizes pack + 200 cover pvc binding sheets ( blue white )Pro Pack Saving Deal for Binding Machines produc1399Office ProductsOffice Electronics906411,3991,3991,3991,3991,399SUCCESS
24B07Q2ZJ4CFClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (25mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics218214498981,7961,347898SUCCESS
25B07Q2ZY57FClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (40mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,7961,347898SUCCESS
26B07Q31V4DPClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (30mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514491,3471,347449449SUCCESS
27B07NSF316SClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (12mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514491,3471,796449449SUCCESS
28B07Q2QZMBJClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (White_Wiro-9.5mm)789Office ProductsOffice Electronics350517890789789789SUCCESS
29B07Q314W9NClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (38mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,3471,796898SUCCESS
30B07Q2Y9WQ9Classik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 50 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-31mm)5499Office ProductsOffice Electronics846415,4995,4995,4995,4995,499SUCCESS
31B0BNMYTGVTDotpot Spiral Binding White Ring"8"10"12"15"20"MM Pack of 5KG (for 20 to 200 Pages) Spiral Ring (Colour White)1299Office ProductsOffice Electronics619711,2991,2991,2991,2991,299SUCCESS
32B07Q2W27VQClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (White_Wiro-7.9mm)599Office ProductsOffice Electronics35051599599599599599SUCCESS
33B07Q2ZNKVYClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (32mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,7961,796898SUCCESS
34B07Q2YJCV6Classik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (White_Wiro-12.7mm)1219Office ProductsOffice Electronics350511,2191,2191,2191,2191,219SUCCESS
35B07NSBSLX5Classik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 50 Pieces) (Black_Wiro-16mm)759Office ProductsOffice Electronics84641759759759759759SUCCESS
36B0C1BWYGLNKavyatech Spiral Binding White Ring 8mm,10mm,12 mm Pack of 3 (for 20 to 200 Pages) Spiral Ring (Colour White)-2Kg1299Office Products11,2990000SUCCESS
37B0BZKWK5VT10 MM Spiral Binding Ring 800 Gram Packet380Office ProductsOffice Electronics58041380380380380380SUCCESS
38B07Q3WJV1TClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (15mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,7961,796898SUCCESS
39B07Q31NB3YClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (10mm)249Office ProductsOffice Electronics23741249747996747498SUCCESS
40B076P98R96TCLPVC Discount combos Spiral Binding Machine Combo Coils Springs Binders Using Lose Spiral 2 kg 2 sizes pack + 200 cover pvc binding sheets ( blue white )Pro Pack Saving Deal for Binding Machines pro1449Office ProductsOffice Electronics649411,4491,4491,4491,4491,449SUCCESS
41B07Q32CG5BClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (8mm)479Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514799581,916479479SUCCESS
42B07Q2ZD3RTClassik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (48mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,3471,796898SUCCESS
43B07Q2YPJB9Classik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (20mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics206214498981,7961,796898SUCCESS
44B07Q3XBFL2Classik Plastic Binding Spiral (Coil) Black (1 Packet) (18mm)449Office ProductsOffice Electronics246514498981,7961,796898SUCCESS
45B0BTJ2MZ5625 mm Spiral Binding Ring 800 Gram Packet370Office ProductsOffice Electronics61051370370370370370SUCCESS
46B000KTCK68GBC IbiClick Binding Spine 34R 8.0mm with 45 Sheet Capacity, A4 Blue (Box of 50)2018Office ProductsOffice Electronics444412,0182,018002,018SUCCESS
47B07Q2W9CBPClassik Double Loop Binding Wire (Box of 100 Pieces) (White_Wiro-11.1mm)999Office ProductsOffice Electronics35051999999999999999SUCCESS
48B0012UPITUGBC Wire Binding Spines 8.0mm with 70 Sheet Capacity, White (Box of 100)2511Office ProductsOffice Electronics9459000000SUCCESS
49B07QTKWBTCCLASSIK Spiral Binding Ring for Book Binding, Sizes - 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25mm - Black Colour (Packet of 5 Sizes).1949Office ProductsOffice Electronics12551000001,949SUCCESS
50B0C9DLKXDZSpiral Binding Ring/ 12mm/ White Colour/for 20 to 100 Pages / 1 Packet499Office ProductsOffice Electronics1156100499499499499SUCCESS

Excluded/Failed Asins

# Asin Title Top Keywords Price Parent Category Name Child Category Name Child Category Rank Per Day Unit Sales Current Daily Sales (Rs.) APR'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) JAN'23 Daily Sales (Rs.) OCT'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) JUL'22 Daily Sales (Rs.) Status